The Bruders Family
A timeline of the Bruders family and the inspiration for Neu Flessenow Cellars. This is our story, can not wait to hear yours!
Flessenow home of the Bruders Family
Flessenow is a small village in northern Germany, and home of the Bruders Family.
Port of Hamburg - The Start of a Journey
The port of Hamburg represents a turning point for the Bruders Family.
The Hansa Ship
The Hansa Ship embarked from Hamburg, Germany to Liverpool, England toward its destination New York on March 3, 1882.
Bruders Family arrived in New York on March 21, 1882.
“We are on Broadway” The Bruders family could not believe their eyes as they arrived on Broadway.
Jimmie Lee Bruders
Like many men who grew up during the depression, World War 2, and the Korean War Jim Bruders had a strong set of beliefs that were reflected in every aspect of his life
Bruders Legacy
Like many men who grew up during the depression, World War 2, and the Korean War Jim Bruders had a strong set of beliefs that were reflected in every aspect of his life